© chris duggan

Drawing. It’s our very first form of self-expression as children, as well as understanding and translating the things in our young world. Pretty much every man-made structure, of any sort, starts out as one. It’s importance to any practitioner of visual expression cannot be understated.

We are visual creatures, 86% of our daily communication is visual in nature, drawing is, without a doubt, the best way to learn how to see and understand what it is that we are looking at, and in turn, know how to communicate these visual ideas to others. If you want to understand how the eye works and people see things, then draw.

Drawing is also the core of any type of painting, even sculpture. The line is at the center of drawing, and whether you create images with a classical sensibility, drip paint from buckets, or apply color to canvas with combs, it is a linear motion of your hand, arm, body that puts the mental and emotional images in our mind on the surface. Drawing is the best way to practice these skills, and trust that you can create what it is that you want to create.

So this site is dedicated to all things drawing, a place to pay drawing it’s dues. Here you will find suggestions on books, examples of artists that inspire me with their drawing chops, lessons and drills, information on shows and galleries, philosophical ramblings, and on occasion, me showing off some of my own work as I try to walk the line.
