The Undressed Art: Why We DrawThe Undressed Art: Why We Draw, by Peter Steinhart, is a fantastic and passionate look into drawing. Covering everything from the connection of our hands, brain, eye, in both a scientific and philosophical angle, to the influences of drawing on our mental development as children (and why children stop drawing), to how we see and relate to what we see as aduls. Through his experiences in a figure drawing group, Steinhart investigates how we see things and how drawing plays a part in our understanding, how the growth of photography has changed our perceptions over time, and how we have changed culturally because of it. The book is a fascinating look into the art, and act, of drawing at every level through the eyes of an entertaining writer who is championing a form of expression that seems to have been lost.

The Undressed Art: Why We Draw is a great read for anyone that enjoys creativity, draftsman or not, and is available through (click here)